CT Region Events
Our Bike program is organizing a CT Region Ski/Bike Patrol presence at the Closer to Free Bike Event on September 7, 2024. There are volunteer opportunities for patrollers to help in various capacities. We are looking for riders who can take on either a 10, 25, 40, 65 or 100 mile ride. Riders are responsible for fundraising, but volunteers are not required to fundraise for the event. ​
It is an amazing event. Roger will be riding the 40-mile course.
This event falls right in line with our mission, culture and values. Roger is looking for help in brainstorming on how to best promote this among our ranks and have a great showing that will help promote our patrols and provide the experience that we all love, serving the public.
Closer to Free website: rideclosertofree.org
Contact: Roger DelGiorno, CT Region Bike Patrol Advisor for more information
Joint Training at Powder Ridge, June 26
We are happy to announce a summer joint training session with Hartford Healthcare (Hunter's), Middlesex Medics, Middlefield VFD, and Lifestar Personnel. We have a great opportunity to learn from each organization and show them what we have to offer and find out what the can do for us and most importantly the patient during an extended extrication. 2 CME credits will be offered for those that need them (EMT, Paramedics etc...) This training will focus on the when and how to get advanced care to a patient farther into the woods on a mountain bike trail and how we can get them out of the woods in the safest and most efficient way.
The training will be taking part IN THE WOODS, so please dress appropriately. Wear shoes to hike in, pants that protect from the elements including Poison Ivy etc... I am hoping to have everyone take the lift to the top so we can access an area that we don't tend to train in.
You don't need to be a Bike Patroller to attend. Though the training is geared towards summer operations there is always the chance of needing this in the winter too.
As always, any questions please reach out.
TRAINING JUNE 26th STARTS AT 6pm AT THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN, Lifts will be available at least 30 min prior.
Kevin Muravnick
Powder Ridge Patrol
Asst. Patrol Director/ Training Coordinator
Mountain Bike Season is Here!
Every year from approximately mid May through the fall, Powder Ridge has some of the best mountain biking around! Check here for the opening day info for 2023. Then, mark your calendars, tune up your mountain bike and head out to Powder Ridge for Opening Day. There are races throughout the summer for anyone interested. There will even be an exciting night race -- bike and helmet lights only. No trail lights!
Come out to participate, spectate or even join in the fun as a bike patroller to keep those skills sharp year round. You do not have to be on a bike to be a bike patroller. Interested?
Contact Justin Lonergan 860-637-0017
1992 CT Ski Patrol Competition
Filmed, yes filmed, at Ski Sundown
See anyone you know? Some of these athletes are still patrolling in our region.
Who do you recognize?
Click on the icon in the lower right for audio and enjoy a little piece of CT history. Audio starts at about 2:25 with the kickoff meeting.