Ken Post

#6 Kenneth Post
Patrol - Pahquioque
Joined NSP - 1966
Inducted - June 6, 2009
Ken Post joined the Ski Patrol in 1966 and is still active at age 76 in 2009. He was a first aid instructor in the early seventies when patrol first aid came from the Red Cross (was it the green book then?), continued as a WEC instructor when NSP first developed its First aid course in the mid-eighties and is instructing as an OEC instructor to this date. He is the longest serving instructor in the region. In addition he is a long time CPR instructor. He is an Alpine Senior (1973) and has taken Avalanche I and II, and Mountain travel and Rescue I and II. Ken has been active in the region since the early seventies instructing instructors for the refreshers, instructing at refreshers for his patrol and others, for the Connecticut and Southern New York regions which he still does, and serving as Region Director for a term in the late seventies. His patrol activities include Patrol Leader in 1974, Hill Captain at Thunder Ridge, and Lift Evac instructor for Pahquioque Patrols; helping to rebuild the patrol building and top shack at Thunder Ridge, and scrounging toboggans and supplies to replace those lost in the fire. He mentors patrollers and is always available to substitute for patrollers who can’t make their shifts. For fifteen plus years he has worked every day of Pahquioque’s five day ski swap. He is always ready to pitch in and help where needed. His enthusiasm has been an inspiration to generations of patrollers. The best way to make a long-term impact on the ski patrol and benefit a large number of patrollers is to become an instructor and pass on your skills and knowledge. Ken Post has done this as well as any patroller in the region and is well deserving of membership in the Connecticut Region Hall of Fame.